Thanks to increased Medicare rebates from 1st July 2023 – Gap payments are reduced and your share of the total payment is reduced

Sydney Gay And Lesbian Mardi Gras And Protecting Your Mental Health

It’s coming up to that time of year again – Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras time in Sydney. That time of the year that Sydney has an even greater number of LGBTI community members visiting that place sometimes called “The Gay and Lesbian Capital of the South Pacific”. (In other words there will be more […]

Domestic Violence Prevalence.

Cycle of Abuse

It is a very unfortunate reality of life that domestic violence exists, in which someone who has an immediate personal relationship with you makes you feel emotions such as being afraid, powerless or unsafe through their actions. These actions can be through verbal, sexual and physical abuse, however, they can also be the result of […]

Positive Psychology: What Is It, And Could It Help You?

Positive Psychology

When I see clients, I often use techniques from the field of Positive Psychology. This has been described by Martin Seligman, (who is often referred to as one of the fathers of modern Positive Psychology) as the: scientific study of optimal human functioning [that] aims to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and […]

What is the first session with a psychologist like?

Psychology Sessions at Huntingdale Psychology, Counselling & Clinical Hypnotherapy. Making the first step to see a psychologist can be a daunting experience for many, the fear of the unknown combined with uncertainty regarding what to expect within the first session with a Psychologist may hold back many people from seeking help with their Mental Health […]

Fathers And Fathers Day 2019 – A Time To Reflect And Learn

As you (probably) like me start getting emails or see other advertising from companies trying to sell you items or experiences related to Father’s Day, (the first Sunday in September,) I thought it might be appropriate to again reflect on the roles and influences of Fathers and Father Figures. For some of us, our fathers […]

LGBTI People And Religion – Is It Like “Trying To Mix Oil And Water”?

The title of this blog is a variation on the chapter title: “Gay men and Religion: Mixing Water and Oil?” from  an edited book I first read many years ago (Gay Life: Leisure, Love and Living for the Contemporary Gay Male – edited by Eric E. Rofes). Some people (wrongly) think that it is not […]

FIFO Workers And Mental Health: Telehealth Can Help

I wonder how many other people saw the page 3 article “Stress is greater for FIFO workers” by Cathy O’Leary, in the May 15th 2018 edition of the “West Australian”? Reading through the article, and the just published research article it refers to from the Medical Journal of Australia, I was reminded of my work […]

Starting in December 2024
New “Satellite” Office

1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month

1100 Albany Highway, in St James, at Bentley Medical Centre, next to Botts Chemist.