Let's Have a Chat
You can make a booking 24/7 via HealthEngine or phone 1300 506 768 (Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm). As always, vacancies show up on HealthEngine till about an hour before. Colin is available Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday, with evening appointments available Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Also available Bentley Medical Centre – 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month
For emergencies, contact LIFELINE 13 11 14 or the Samaritans on 13 52 47 – both available 24/7. Phone 000 for life threatening emergencies.
- colin@hpcch.com.au
- (08) 9463 6378
- PO Box 142 Bayswater WA 6933
- HEALTHLINK: hdpsycch

About Colin
Colin Longworth is a registered psychologist since 2008, reaching this role through what he sometimes calls a “long and windy road.” He studied as a mature-aged student while working full-time in other fields, giving him firsthand insight into juggling competing needs.
His interest in psychology and counseling stems from what he calls his “benevolent curiosity”—a desire to understand how individuals or couples have arrived at their current place in life and their need for assistance.