LGBTI Resources
Resilience, Covid-19 and the resurrected “Special Religious Rights” law (17th July 2022)
More than half a century after Stonewall the fight continues (28th June 2020)
LGBTIQ+ people’s mental health worse now than during postal survey (14th November 2019)
Reaching out and sharing stories under the cloud of ‘religious freedom’ (25th October 2019)
How do we protect ourselves from the culture wars? (8th September 2019)
A mental health survival guide for the religious freedom debate (28th June 2019)
What you as an LGBTI person can do to improve your mental health (21st February 2019)
[Linkedin Book Review] Gay & Bisexual Men Living with Prostate Cancer: From diagnosis to recovery. (Ussher, Perz & Rosser Eds.) A new book on a subject not often discussed. ( December 15, 2018 )
One year on from the plebiscite we didn’t need (10th November 2018)
Stonewall and Mardi Gras: Are they still relevant? (26th June 2018)
Conversion Therapy: It’s all about politics, not science (17th May 2018)
Maintaining the rage against political and religious conservatives. (9th January 2018)
Being prepared for marriage equality and potential “sour losers” (Nov 9th 2017)
Protecting yourself and your family from marriage-equality hate (August 2017)
Top tips for getting the most out of Mardi Gras (2nd March 2017)
Take Action (23rd May 2014)
Books: Coming Out in the Workplace – a collection of resources on the subject (a Handout that might be of interest,)
“Books for Parent’s with an LGBTI Branch on the Family Tree”
(An amended University assignment from some years ago, that may be of interest.)
The Australian Psychological Society LGBTI page may also be of interest
You might find this of interest – The ANZ “#HoldTight” Campaign about how ANZ is expressing support for the LGBTIQ community with it’s “Hold Tight”, a campaign celebrating the power of holding hands.
Watch the ad here on YouTube
See ANZ staff talk about the #HoldTight campaign
An inspirational Youtube Video – “Stand Up! – Don’t Stand for Homophobic Bullying”
Also worth looking at on Youtube “Coming Out” & “Coming Out to Each Other“
From “BeLongto” the Irish support group for young Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people
Marriage Equality: Bring Your Family With You (Ireland)
Another Closet – LGBTIQ Domestic and Family Violence. (Most LGBTIQ relationships are based on love and respect. Some are based on abuse and control. This website is written for people in LGBTIQ relationships who are, or may be, experiencing domestic and family violence.)
The Beyond Blue website for the Gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (GLBTI) population;
Freedom Centre – For young people (under 26) to support each other and their communities to be informed, happy and healthy about their sexuality, sex and gender.
Curve Magazine (previously published as “Lesbians on the Loose Magazine“) – Their mission: To maintain and build upon 25 years of successful publishing and continue to offer fresh and diverse content for lesbian and bisexual women through quality journalism and community involvement.
Living Proud (previously known as Gay & Lesbian Community Services of WA)
OutInPerth – Gay and Lesbian Perth WA News, information and Community Listings
Perth Rainbow Toastmasters – Perth Rainbow Toastmaster Club is specifically for members, friends, family and supporters of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Pride WA – Celebrating Diverse Sexualities
Prime Timers WA – Is a social networking organisation, established in 2003 for mature gay and bisexual men.
Q-life – The Nationally oriented counselling and referral service for people of diverse sex, genders and sexualities
All of Us Strangers (2023) movie trailer
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Desert Hearts (1985) Youtube trailer
Far From Heaven (2002) movie trailer
Fellow Travellers (2023) TV mini-series trailer
Fire Island (2022) movie trailer
Get Real (1998) Youtube Trailer
Ideal Home (2018) Youtube Trailer
Love Simon (2018) Youtube Trailer
Maurice (1987) movie trailer
Milk (2008) Youtube trailer
Oranges are not the only fruit (1989-1990) TV mini-series
Pride (2014) movie trailer
The Sum of Us (1994) movie trailer
Shelter (2007) The theme song on Youtube
Stonewall (1995 docu-drama) Stonewall (2015 docu-drama)
Supernova (2021)
movie trailer
A Very Natural Thing (1974)
Victim (1961) Youtube Trailer
The Wedding Banquet (1993) Movie Trailer
Wilde (1997) Youtube trailer
Site of the June 28, 1969 Stonewall Riots often described as the start of the modern Gay and Lesbian rights movement.
There are also two “docudrama’s” named “Stonewall”, and various documentaries about its place in LGBTI history.
“Our gayness is not something like skin colour, or sex, or infirmity, apparent to both us and others. We have to discover our homosexuality, and having discovered it, we have a wide range of options, hardly available to others who are stigmatized, as to how we should reveal our stigma.”
Dennis Altman (1971) Homosexual Oppression and Liberation. New York, NY: Avon Books.