Over the years as a psychologist and Gay man, I have collected various books specifically relevant to the mental health of LGBTIQ+ clients. Some of them are older, some relatively recent, and all of the following are ones I have or would recommend to clients.
I am also aware that it is widely recognised (via research) that we experience higher-than-average difficulties with our mental health. Also, it should be noted that this is not a result of one’s sexuality per se but the result of people and systems around us having difficulties with differences.
The following are “thumbnail sketches” of a few titles that may well be of interest.
Happy Together – Thriving as a Same-Sex Couple in Your Family, Workplace and Community. By Sharon S. Rostovsky & Ellen D. Riggle (2013).
A collection of chapters about; Family of Origin; Family of Creation; Religion; Work; Neighbourhoods and Local Communities; Laws and Policies and a conclusion about A Future where we Thrive and Flourish.
Throughout the book, there are a range of “Guided Activities” and points to “Pause and Reflect”. Depending on individual circumstances, I feel there are sure to be at least some chapters of interest.
A Positive View of LGBTQ: Embracing Identity and Cultivating Well-Being. By Ellen D.B. Riggle and Sharon S. Rostosky.
A collection of 10 chapters, which can perhaps be best summarised by the statements at the beginning of each chapter. Like “There are so many positive things about my identity” (from the introduction), “Deepening my insight into my self has led to positive developments in my life” (Ch. 3 – Self-Awareness, Personal Insight and Growth); “If I had turned out straight, I doubt I’d be the compassionate person I am today” (Ch. 7 – Compassion and Empathy), as a few examples. Each chapter has Exercises and Activities for Reflection and Practice.
Loving Ourselves – The Gay and Lesbian Guide to Self-Esteem. By Kimeron B. Hardin.
Over the course of its seventeen chapters, this book covers a range of aspects of the subject. These include Looking at the origins of self-esteem, how self-esteem impacts daily life, Working on improving your own self-esteem, and how it can be different in a few contexts, like Transgender individuals, aging, parenting, and other settings.
Anxiety : Expert Advice from a Neurotic Shrink Who’s Lived with It All His Life. By Mark Cross.
Finally, a book not specifically written for an LGBTQI+ audience. However, all the way through, there are reports of the experiences of anxiety of a wide collection of LGBT people, apart from that of various others. This is apart from that of the author, who is himself a person with lifelong experience of anxiety, a Gay man himself, as well as being a psychiatrist.
Although these books do not take the place of individual therapy (and is not an exhaustive list – I expect to write another similar blog soon with other titles), they can be prompts for discussion within therapy or give readers a different perspective by reading of other’s experiences, on those matters they may be confronting.
If you would like to explore one or more of these matters further, either in person or via Telehealth, please contact my Business Support Office by phone on 1300 50 67 67 Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm to make a booking, or book 24/7 via HealthEngine.