Definitive Strategies for Coping with Seasonal Depression

As the grey clouds loom and the days grow shorter, many of us may feel a wave of melancholy setting in. This time of year can indeed be quite depressing for some. It can be tempting to curl up under the doona and wait for brighter, warmer days. However, it’s probably better to try to […]
Men’s Mental Health: The Stigma’s Surrounding Traditional Gender Roles and Toxic Masculinity

At HPCCH, we understand the profound impact that societal expectations and toxic masculinity may have on men’s mental health. In recognition of Men’s Mental Health Week, we are raising our voices to highlight these critical issues. These cultural norms, which prescribe certain behaviours and attitudes for some men, can lead to numerous negative consequences for […]
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

At times, abuse within relationships can manifest in cyclical patterns, making it difficult for us to recognise and address. The cycle of abuse typically encompasses four distinct stages: tension, incident, reconciliation, and calm. While not every abusive relationship follows this exact sequence, understanding these stages can shed light on the dynamics at play. It should […]
4 Fantastic LGBTIQ+ Books about Mental Health

Over the years as a psychologist and Gay man, I have collected various books specifically relevant to the mental health of LGBTIQ+ clients. Some of them are older, some relatively recent, and all of the following are ones I have or would recommend to clients. I am also aware that it is widely recognised (via […]
Healing From Childhood Emotional Neglect: 7 Proven Strategies for Recovery

Childhood emotional neglect is a subtle yet impactful form of trauma that often goes unrecognised but can have profound effects on an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. At Huntingdale Psychology, we understand the importance of addressing and healing from childhood emotional neglect to promote personal growth and emotional wellness. We’re here to help you explore […]
Finding Closure in Relationships: An Actionable Path to Healing

In the journey of life, relationships play a significant role. They bring us joy, companionship, and shared experiences. However, when a relationship ends, whether by choice or circumstance or when we experience the loss of a loved one, it can leave behind a trail of unresolved emotions and unanswered questions. Finding closure becomes essential for […]
Review: Bright Shining: How Grace changes Everything.

As is often the case with some of the books I’ve read in recent times, this one was purchased after hearing an interview with Julia Baird on ABC radio. In this case a Conversation with Richard Feidler. I’ve certainly suggested it to a few clients even before I finished it. Early in the book, Julia […]
Tradies, FIFO Workers, “Golden Handcuffs”, and Mental Health

I’ve recently had a few “Tradies” who are also FIFO workers as well as reading of difficulties in the mining industries, in particular Nickel field (and thinking about the “Golden Handcuffs” of the high salaries). This reminded me of how some years ago my professional association (the Australian Psychological Society) had a series of online […]
Biographies and Autobiographies of various Gay and Bisexual Men.

As a psychologist (and a Gay one at that) for many years I’ve been interested in and read many biographies and autobiographies. This probably relates to what I’ve referred to as my “benevolent curiosity” as to how individuals came to be where they are in life. The first one I read was David Kopay’s book […]
Rob Mills and “Putting on a Show: Manhood, Mates and Mental Health” – A review of another book for Aussie blokes.

As I wrote on my business Facebook page in January “I heard this interview [with Rob Mills] recently on the radio, and made a mental note to keep an eye out for the book. Then when in a bookshop the other day, I saw it, so having had a quick scan of it, thought it […]