Misc Resources
Beyond Blue – https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/
The Black Dog Institute also has a collection of resources on Coronavirus: Anxiety, Stress & Wellbeing
Head to Health – https://headtohealth.gov.au/covid-19-support/covid-19
Mindspot – https://mindspot.org.au/coronavirus
The VIA Institute on Character (which I often recommend to clients,) also has some good resources.
Emergency Contacts Page – For those living alone, download this to fill in yoru basic contact and emergency info (e.g. GP info, medications, etc.) to put on your fridge or somewhere obvious if needed.
Australian Psychological Society Info
Maintaining your mental health during social isolation
Psychological services via Telehealth – Information for consumers
Tips for coping with coronavirus anxiety
COVID-19 Anxiety and staying mentally healthy for OLDER ADULTS

Colin’s Suggestions for Relaxation Music. – A recently updated list of relaxing music, (mainly Classical) with links to Youtube clips of the music being played.
Weekly Balanced Life Chart – A resource I developed as a tool to help in ensuring clients have a “balanced” life, there are two versions: Single person and Coupled person.
Phone Helplines – A short listing of some Helplines and sources of information with most of them being contactable 24 hours a day.
Decision Matrix – a way of looking at tasks you feel you need to do and looking at what is Important, Not important, Urgent or Not urgent.
Another tool to assist with decision-making Decisions Decisions – The Litmus Test & Decision Matrix